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UOB Thailand and Prudential Thailand
launch PRUAssure Link

Thailand’s first investment-linked life insurance
that locks in the highest NAV over the contract's lifetime

Bangkok, 11 July 2024 – UOB Thailand and Prudential Thailand, its official regional bancassurance partner, have unveiled PRUAssure Link, Thailand’s first investment-linked life insurance plan, that calculates the coverage by using the highest Net Asset Value (NAV) over the contract’s lifetime to protect customer’s wealth.


According to the Thai Life Assurance Association, Thai investors have increasingly shown strong interest in investment-linked life insurance products with annual growth rate of 10 per cent during the past three years (2021-2023). The launch responds to growing demand for advanced wealth protection and investment solutions, driven by the prevailing interest-rate environment and market volatility.


Mr Gidon Jerome Kessel, Head of Deposit & Wealth Management, UOB Thailand said, “At UOB Thailand, we are committed to providing financial solutions that align with our customers' evolving needs and life stages. PRUAssure Link is a significant addition to our Private Wealth portfolio, offering a unique and sophisticated solution for customers who want to transfer their legacy to their families or are actively seeking higher investment returns through mutual fund investments. This plan, exclusively brokered by Prudential, not only secures wealth but also provides growth potential, making it one of the most progressive offerings in the market today.”


Mr Don Charnsupharindr, Chief Commercial Officer, Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited or “Prudential Thailand” said “Most investment-linked insurance policies in Thailand do not guarantee returns and ultimately depend on how the fund performs. However, PRUAssure Link secures customers’ wealth at the highest peak NAV over the life of the policy to assure their legacy is securely passed on to their family. This is the first investment-linked life insurance plan in Thailand offers the locked-in highest NAV, with no premium charge for the regular premium throughout the contract period, loyalty bonus payout every eight years starting from policy year nine onwards and only limit administration fee to eight years.”


Key Benefits of PRUAssure Link:

  • Locked-in the highest NAV over the contract's lifetime: Ensures customers’ wealth is secured at the highest value in the event of customer pass away.

  • No premium charges for regular premium: Customers enjoy no premium charges for regular premiums throughout the contract period.

  • Loyalty bonuses: Every eight years starting from policy year nine.

  • Diverse investment choices: Access to over 20 curated mutual funds, both local and international.


For more information, please visit UOB website.