Is the extended family able to fulfill the demands of today's society and economy?
Today's working generation desires a more flexible lifestyle. However, with an expanding age gap, a different work-life balance from previous generations, and so on, the extended family may be an uncommon family type and distinct from most families today.
Does this imply that a family like this would be unsuitable in today's economic and social circumstances?
What exactly is an extended family? An extended family is a family in which many members from different generations live together, despite the fact that some members have separate work responsibilities. These families frequently own and operate their own businesses, which are passed down from generation to generation.
When compared to a structure, the extended family is presumably similar to a skyscraper, with family members progressively forwarding the next story development to the next generation to continue. This implies that being in this type of family has the advantage of having nothing to worry about, from the family structure to how to locate the major source of revenue, because the previously designed structure and framework were intended to be utilized by the following generation of members to construct something new to grow from that foundation.
If the extended family were a structure, it would most likely be a skyscraper, with family members gradually advancing the next floor development to the next generation to continue.
Meanwhile, one can wonder whether family businesses are still sustainable in today's environment, can anything be changed? Conversely, if the person designated to inherit the firm is unsuitable for the tasks that the family business desires, may that person be replaced? Given that personal relationships must also be linked to work and finance. This state that may not correspond to the value of life that many new generations cherish.
In the end, the disadvantage of the extended family may also be attributed to that strong structure. And while it was created out of good intentions for children, the robustness of such a structure may result in a framework that is not flexible enough. Individuals of Generation Y and Generation Z may want to escape the restrictions of this paradigm.
This means that what can assist the extended family stay more cohesive is for various generations to open up to each other, understand the character of each generation, accept the difference, and strive to put themselves in one another's shoes. These are to be aware of the previous generation's positive desires and techniques that can be maintained and used, while elder generations should be open to receiving opinions from younger generations. And ultimately, all of them should take as much care of each other's mental health as possible.
In addition to maintaining mental health, it is also critical to maintain the physical health of the family. The extended family includes people who are at various stages of their lives, such as toddlers, school-age children, teens, working age, and old age. Maintaining the health of people in the family is also a challenge in this type of family since each person has the same chance of becoming sick, which is dependent on the risks of daily living, age range, and many other factors that are either under or beyond our control.
One thing that all family members can do is plan ahead of time for health care and treatment. It is something that can begin right now. If you do not want to be concerned about your money while hospitalized, The 1 Hospital Care is an interesting option since it is an insurance that covers hospital income of up to 2,000 baht* per day when hospitalized whether the illness is minor or severe.
Alternatively, PRURokrai Super Koom will provide greater protection against 63 serious illnesses, such as organ transplant surgery, myocardial disease, heart valve surgery, Hepatitis, Parkinson's disease, coma, hearing and speech impairment, severe burns, and so forth. Aside from having a comprehensive plan that covers many ailments, it also covers the age range of 1 month to 65 years old and can be renewed until the age of 98 covering until the age of 99, corresponding to a diverse age range in an extended family.
When there is a significant age and lifestyle gap in the family, you may feel estranged. In reality, what extended family members may always have for one another is support, kindness, care, and love, which must be progressively built between generations. It is just necessary to communicate honestly in order to foster understanding and compromise among family members.
To maintain the strength of the foundation that the extended family will construct and pass on to future generations, or to maintain the foundation that past generations created for, physical and mental strength are essential, because the stability of both directly influences the stability of the extended family.
And Prudential would like to be another force in easing every step toward awareness.
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*Depending on the insurance plan you select