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Manage Your Unit Linked Insurance Policy

A step-by-step guide for you to update and change your UL plan.

Which policy change do you wish to make?

Change of Information

Terms & Conditions

Policyholders can make changes to the policy information as follows:

  • Change of personal information: name, surname, address, phone number and signature.

  • Change of beneficiary’s information or payor’s information.

  • Change of the method of receiving policy benefit payouts  .

  • Request a reprint policy to replace the lost one.

    (The policy issuance fee for non-electronic policies is THB 150.)

Required Documents

  1. Amendment Requisition Form Download

  2. A copy of identification card or passport of the policyholders with certified true copy.

  3. A copy of identification card or passport of parents or legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy) with certified true copy.

  4. Certificate of name change issued by government official (in case of changing the name or surname of policyholders, beneficiary or payee).

  5. House registration (in case of change of beneficiary’s information).

  6. A copy of passbook, certified true copy by the policyholders or legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy) to request for change of the method of receiving policy benefit payouts.


Please cover your "blood type" and "religion" information on the copy of your ID card to comply with the PDPA law. The company has no intention of collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information in this respect.

Turn-around Time: Approximate 5 working days after the company receives the documents completely.

Customers can change the policy information through the following channels

  1. PRUServices by adding Line friend in LINE Official Account  PrudentialThailand

    • Change of the method of receiving policy benefit payouts  .

  2. Send documents insurance agent/selling agent.

  3. Send documents to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited through the following channels:

    4.1 Visit Prudential Head Office at Mitrtown Office Tower, 30th Floor from Monday - Friday (except public holidays) during 8.30 -17.00 hrs.

    4.2 Postage mail to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited at 944 Mitrtown Office Tower, 10th, 29th–31st Floor, Rama 4 Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330.

    4.3 Email submission to

Cancellation within Free Look Period

Terms & Conditions

The policyholders have the right to cancel the insurance policy within the period specified in Section 5 “The Right to Cancel Policy” of the General Provisions of an ordinary life insurance policy.  This period starts from the day the policyholders receive the policy (Free Look Period).  If the policyholders have exercised the right to claim, partially withdraw money from the policy, or switch funds, they will lose the right to cancel the policy, partial withdraw money from the policy, or switch funds, the policyholders will lose the right to cancel the policy.   

Required Documents

  • Amendment Requisition Form Download

  • A copy of identification card or passport of the policyholders with certified true copy.

  • A copy of identification card or passport of parents or legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy) with certified true copy.

  • A copy of passbook of the policyholders or legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy) with certified true copy.

  • The original policy booklet (for non-electronic policy). If the original policy booklet was lost, a copy of Police Report is required.


Please cover your "blood type" and "religion" information on the copy of your ID card to comply with the PDPA law. The company has no intention of collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information in this respect.

Turn-around Time: If the completed request form is received by the company before 4:00 PM BKK time, the company will process the redemption transaction on the first available business day after the request is approved. However, if the request form is received after 4:00 PM BKK time, it will be considered as received on the next working day.  

Customers can exercise policy cancellation within Free Look Period through the following channels

  1. Send documents through insurance agent/selling agent.

  2. Send documents to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited through the following channels:

    2.1 Visit Prudential Head Office at Mitrtown Office Tower, 30th Floor from Monday - Friday (except public holidays) during 8.30 -17.00 hrs.   

    2.2 Postage mail to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited at 944 Mitrtown Office Tower, 10th, 29th–31st Floor, Rama 4 Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330.

    2.3 Email submission to

Top up premium

Terms & Conditions

  1. Policyholders can top up premium within the minimum and maximum limits specified in the policy provision. However, during a premium holiday period, policyholders are not permitted to top up premium.

  2. The company will process a subscription transaction in the first available day after full top up premium amount was  collected and approved by the company.  


If the top up premium is paid by promissory note, cheque, draft or other means of payment, the company will consider the payment as received based on cash collection date.  However, the method of insurance premium   payment must comply with the criteria and rules set by the company.”

Required Documents

  1. Premium Request Form for Unit-Linked policy Download

  2. A copy of identification card or passport of the policyholders with certified true copy.

  3. A copy of identification card or passport of parents or legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy) with certified true copy.

  4. Proof of payment

  5. Suitability Test (in case the assessment has expired) Download


Please cover your "blood type" and "religion" information on the copy of your ID card to comply with the PDPA law. The company has no intention of collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information in this respect.

Turn-around Time: Completed request form receives by the company before 4:00 PM BKK time, the company will process buying fund transaction on the first available business day after the request was approved.  If the request form is received after 4:00 PM BKK time, it will be considered as received on the next working day. 

Customers can request for top up premium through the following channels

  1. Send documents through insurance agent/selling agent.

  2. Send documents to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited through the following channels:

    3.1 Visit Prudential Head Office at Mitrtown Office Tower, 30th Floor from Monday - Friday (except public holidays) during 8.30 -17.00 hrs.  

    3.2 Postage mail to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited at 944 Mitrtown Office Tower, 10th, 29th–31st Floor, Rama 4 Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330.

    3.3 Email submission to

Change of regular premium, sum assure and riders (for regular premium only)

Terms & Conditions

  1. Policyholders can request to decrease regular premium, request to decrease or cancel saving premium, request to increase premium after decreasing regular premium, request to increase or decrease the sum assured of regular premium on policy anniversary However, the request to increase/decrease or terminate the riders is based on the criteria set by the company.

  2. Policyholders are not eligible to increase regular premium unless they have previously decreased the regular premium. However, if the policyholders request to increase regular premium, the regular premium after the increase must not exceed the first regular premium paid as specified in the Policy Information Page.

  3. In decreasing the regular premium, policyholders may forfeit eligibility for the loyalty bonus and/or non-lapse guarantee (if applicable), as outlined in the policy provisions.  

  4. To change the regular premium, increase or decrease the sum assured of the regular premium, and/or add riders, they must align with the minimum and maximum amounts based on the criteria set by the company. A health examination and additional documents may be required according to the underwriting criteria. Policyholders are solely responsible for the expenses incurred during health examinations.

  5. Changing the regular premium and/or adding riders cannot be processed while the policy is in premium holiday status.  

Required Documents

  1. Premium Request Form for Unit-Linked policy Download

  2. A copy of identification card or passport of the policyholders with certified true copy.

  3. A copy of identification card or passport of parents or legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy) with certified true copy.

  4. Health Declaration Form (in case of adding riders and/or increase of sum assured) Download


Please cover your "blood type" and "religion" information on the copy of your ID card to comply with the PDPA law. The company has no intention of collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information in this respect.

Turn-around TimeApproximate 5 working days after the company receives the documents completely.

Customers can request for change of regular premium, sum assured or riders   through the following channels

  1. Send documents through insurance agent/selling agent.

  2. Send documents to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited through the following channels:

    2.1 Visit Prudential Head Office at Mitrtown Office Tower, 30th Floor from Monday - Friday (except public holidays) during 8.30 -17.00 hrs. 

    2.2 Postage mail to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited at 944 Mitrtown Office Tower, 10th, 29th–31st Floor, Rama 4 Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330.

    2.3 Email submission to


Change of premium payment frequency (premium mode)

Terms & Conditions

Policyholders can request to change premium payment frequency (mode of payment) at the policy anniversary date according to the provisions. However, during a premium holiday period, policyholders are not permitted to change premium payment frequency.

Required Document

  1. Premium Request Form for Unit-Linked policy Download

  2. A copy of identification card or passport of the policyholders with certified true copy.

  3. A copy of identification card or passport of parents or legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy) with certified true copy.


Please cover your "blood type" and "religion" information on the copy of your ID card to comply with the PDPA law. The company has no intention of collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information in this respect.

Turn-around TimeApproximate 5 working days after the company receives the documents completely.

Customers can change premium payment frequency through the following channels

  1. Send documents through insurance agent/selling agent.

  2. Send documents to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited through the following channels:

    3.1 Visit Prudential Head Office at Mitrtown Office Tower, 30th Floor from Monday - Friday (except public holidays) during 8.30 -17.00 hrs  . 

    3.2 Postage mail to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited at 944 Mitrtown Office Tower, 10th, 29th–31st Floor, Rama 4 Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330.

    3.3 Email submission to

Premium allocation (for regular premium only)

Terms & Conditions

Policyholders can request to change the premium allocation by specifying the percentage of investment they want to allocate, with a minimum of 5 percent for each fund and a maximum of 10 funds for the total selected funds.    

The change in premium allocation will be effective on the insurance premium paid after the premium allocation process has been completed.

Changes to investment allocation will affect the insurance premium paid to the company after the investment allocation has been successfully changed.

Required Document

  1. Premium Request Form for Unit-Linked policy Download

  2. A copy of identification card or passport of the policyholders with certified true copy.

  3. A copy of identification card or passport of parents or legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy) with certified true copy.

  4. Suitability Test (in case the assessment has expired) Download


Please cover your "blood type" and "religion" information on the copy of your ID card to comply with the PDPA law. The company has no intention of collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information in this respect.

Turn-around TimeIf the completed request form is received by the company before 4:00 PM BKK time, the company will process the request within the submission date. However, if the request form is received after 4:00 PM BKK time, it will be considered as received on the next working day.  

Customers can change premium allocation through the following channels

  1. Send documents through insurance agent/selling agent.

  2. Send documents to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited through the following channels:

    2.1 Visit Prudential Head Office at Mitrtown Office Tower, 30th Floor from Monday - Friday (except public holidays) during 8.30 -17.00 hrs.

    2.2 Postage mail to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited at 944 Mitrtown Office Tower, 10th, 29th–31st Floor, Rama 4 Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330.

    2.3 Email submission to


Premium Holiday (For Regular Premium only)

Terms & Conditions

  1. Policyholders can request to exercise premium holiday once the conditions prescribed in the policy provision are fully met. By requesting for premium holiday of regular premium, policyholders will be ineligible for loyalty bonus and/or non-lapse guarantee (if any) based on the policy provision.

  2. If the policy has a paying of regular premium and saving premiums, policyholders cannot request a premium holiday for the regular premium alone.

  3. For rider premium that still requires payment during a premium holiday, the rider will be terminated if the rider premium has not been paid within the grace period.

  4. When the policy is in a premium holiday period, policyholders are not permitted to top up premium, change premium payment frequency, increase/decrease premium and/or add rider.

Required Documents

  1. Premium Request Form for Unit-Linked policy Download

  2. A copy of identification card or passport of the Policyholders with certified true copy.

  3. A copy of identification card or passport of parents or legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy) with certified true copy.


Please cover your "blood type" and "religion" information on the copy of your ID card to comply with the PDPA law. The company has no intention of collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information in this respect.

Turn-around Time: Approximate 5 working days after the company receives the documents completely.

Customers can request for a premium holiday through the following channels

  1. Send documents through insurance agent/selling agent.

  2. Send documents to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited through the following channels:

    2.1 Visit Prudential Head Office at Mitrtown Office Tower, 30th Floor from Monday - Friday (except public holidays) during 8.30 -17.00 hrs.

    2.2 Postage mail to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited at 944 Mitrtown Office Tower, 10th, 29th–31st Floor, Rama 4 Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330.

    2.3 Email submission to

Resumption of Premium Payment (For Regular Premium only)

Terms & Conditions

  1. To request for resumption of premium payment, policyholders must pay 1 installment of regular premium and saving premium (if any). In case of monthly premium payment, 2 installments are required.

  2. In the event that policyholders have previously exercised premium holiday of the saving premium only, policyholders must pay 1 installment of saving premium.

  3. The company will process the subscription transaction on the first available business date after the request is approved.  

Required Documents

  1. Premium Request Form for Unit-Linked policy Download

  2. A copy of identification card or passport of the policyholders with certified true copy.

  3. A copy of identification card or passport of parents or legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy) with certified true copy.

  4. Suitability Test (in case the assessment has expired) Download


Please cover your "blood type" and "religion" information on the copy of your ID card to comply with the PDPA law. The company has no intention of collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information in this respect.

Turn-around time: If the completed request form is received by the company before 4:00 PM BKK time, the company will process the subscription transaction on the first available business day after the request is approved. However, if the request form is received after 4:00 PM BKK time, it will be considered as received on the next working day.  

Customers can request the resumption of premium payment through the following channels

  1. Send documents through insurance agent/selling agent.

  2. Send documents to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited through the following channels:

    2.1 Visit Prudential Head Office at Mitrtown Office Tower, 30th Floor from Monday - Friday (except public holidays) during 8.30 -17.00 hrs.

    2.2 Postage mail to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited at 944 Mitrtown Office Tower, 10th, 29th–31st Floor, Rama 4 Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330.

    2.3 Email submission to

Policy Reinstatement (For Regular Premium only)

Terms & Conditions

  1. Policyholders must pay 1 installment payment of regular premium and saving premium (if any). Additionally, they must settle any outstanding policy debt.  In case of monthly premium payment, 2 installments are required.

  2. Policyholders can reinstate the policy within 5 years from auto surrendered or lapsed date based on the policy provisions. The health examination and additional documents may be required according to the underwriting criteria.  Policyholders are solely responsible for the expenses incurred during health examinations. 

  3. The company will process the subscription transaction on the first available business date after the request is approved.  

Required Documents

  1. Premium Request Form for Unit-Linked policy Download

  2. A copy of identification card or passport of the Policyholders with certified true copy.

  3. A copy of identification card or passport of parents or legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy) with certified true copy.

  4. Suitability Test (in case the assessment has expired) Download

  5. Health Declaration Form Download


Please cover your "blood type" and "religion" information on the copy of your ID card to comply with the PDPA law. The company has no intention of collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information in this respect.

Turn-around time: Approximate 5 working days after the company receives the documents completely.

Customers can request for reinstatement through the following channels

  1. Send documents through insurance agent/selling agent.

  2. Send documents to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited through the following channels:

    2.1 Visit Prudential Head Office at Mitrtown Office Tower, 30th Floor from Monday - Friday (except public holidays) during 8.30 -17.00 hrs.

    2.2 Postage mail to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited at 944 Mitrtown Office Tower, 10th, 29th–31st Floor, Rama 4 Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330.

    2.3 Email submission to

Policy Surrender

Terms & Conditions

  1. Policyholders have the right to terminate the policy while it is still in force. The company will redeem all investment units under the policy, which will result in the policy being terminated.  

  2. The company will pay surrender value including unearned cost of insurance (COI) (if any). Notwithstanding, the company will deduct surrender charge as specified in the policy provisions   and outstanding policy debt (if any) from the surrender value paid to policyholders.

  3. If outstanding investment units under the policy consist of both local funds and foreign funds, the company will pay the redemption value of local funds first  , followed by the foreign funds. However, policyholders will receive redemption value within 5 business days after the units are sold  or within the period prescribed by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand (SEC).

Notice before requesting policy surrender before maturity date.

  1. The surrender value may be lower than the total premium paid, especially in the early policy year.  

  2. If policyholders purchase a new policy, they may be subject to a higher premium due to their older age and health record.

  3. All policy benefits, coverages and rights under the policy will be terminated.

  4. When purchasing a new life insurance policy, policyholders bear the responsibility of providing accurate and truthful information to the insurance company. In turn, the insurance company retains the right to dispute or object to the new policy within the specified timeframe outlined in the policy provisions. Additionally, for new health riders, waiting period conditions and pre-existing conditions.

  5. If policyholders encounter difficulties with premium payments and need to surrender their policy, they have the right to request a 'premium holiday' based on the policy's conditions. By exercising this option, the policy remains in force as long as the account value is sufficient to cover monthly charges.   

Required Documents

  1. Investment Request Form for Unit-Linked policy Download

  2. A copy of identification card or passport of the Policyholders with certified true copy.

  3. A copy of identification card or passport of parents or legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy) with certified true copy.

  4. A copy of passbook of the Policyholders or legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy) with certified true copy.

  5. The original policy booklet (for non-electronic policy). If the original policy booklet was lost, a copy of Police Report is required.


Please cover your "blood type" and "religion" information on the copy of your ID card to comply with the PDPA law. The company has no intention of collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information in this respect.

Turn-around TimeIf the completed request form is received by the company before 4:00 PM BKK time, the company will process the redemption transaction on the first available business day after the request is approved. However, if the request form is received after 4:00 PM BKK time, it will be considered as received on the next working day.  

Customers can request for policy surrender through the following channels

  1. Send documents through insurance agent/selling agent.

  2. Send documents to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited through the following channels:

    2.1 Visit Prudential Head Office at Mitrtown Office Tower, 30th Floor from Monday - Friday (except public holidays) during 8.30 -17.00 hrs.

    2.2 Postage mail to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited at 944 Mitrtown Office Tower, 10th, 29th–31st Floor, Rama 4 Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330.

    2.3 Email submission to

Partial surrender

Terms & Conditions

  1. Policyholders have the right to request a partial surrender of the policy. Once approved, the company will process the redemption transaction on the first available business day. A surrender charge (if any) will be deducted at the rate specified in the Policy Fee Schedule.

  2. The minimum withdrawal amount per transaction must be at least THB 5,000 and the remaining account value after withdrawal must be no less than THB 10,000 calculated from the latest bid price of the fund on the submission date.

  3. Policyholders have the flexibility to specify the selling as a percentage of the total number of investment units. However, it's important to note that the number of fund withdrawals must not exceed 10 funds.  

  4. If outstanding investment units under the policy consist of both local funds and foreign funds, the company will pay the redemption value of local funds first, followed by the foreign funds.  However, policyholders will receive the redemption value within 5 business days after the units are redeemed or within the period prescribed by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand (SEC).

  5. When policyholders request a partial surrender, they should be aware that they may become ineligible for any loyalty bonuses and/or non-lapse guarantee, as outlined in the policy provisions.

Required Documents

  1. Investment Request Form for Unit-Linked policy Download

  2. A copy of identification card or passport of the Policyholders with certified true copy.

  3. A copy of identification card or passport of parents or legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy) with certified true copy.

  4. A copy of passbook of the Policyholders or legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy) with certified true copy.


Please cover your "blood type" and "religion" information on the copy of your ID card to comply with the PDPA law. The company has no intention of collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information in this respect.

Turn-around TimeIf the completed request form is received by the company before 4:00 PM BKK time, the company will process the redemption transaction on the first available business day after the request is approved. However, if the request form is received after 4:00 PM BKK time, it will be considered as received on the next working day  

Customers can request for partial surrender through the following channels

  1. PRUpolicy via

  2. Send documents through insurance agent/selling agent.

  3. Send documents to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited through the following channels:

    3.1 Visit Prudential Head Office at Mitrtown Office Tower, 30th Floor from Monday - Friday (except public holidays) during 8.30 -17.00 .

    3.2 Postage mail to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited at 944 Mitrtown Office Tower, 10th, 29th–31st Floor, Rama 4 Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330.

    3.3 Email submission to

Fund Switching

Terms & Conditions

Policyholders can request fund switching within their Unit-Linked life insurance policy, either in full or partial units, to other available funds. The process involves two steps:

  1. Specify the amount of investment units or the percentage of each source fund to be switched.

  2. Indicate the percentage of funds to be switched into the destination funds. The minimum percentage allowed is 5%, and the total number of destination funds should not exceed 10.

Required Documents

  1. Investment Request Form for Unit-Linked policy Download

  2. A copy of identification card or passport of the Policyholders with certified true copy.

  3. A copy of identification card or passport of parents or legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy) with certified true copy.

  4. Suitability Test (in case the assessment has expired) Download


Please cover your "blood type" and "religion" information on the copy of your ID card to comply with the PDPA law. The company has no intention of collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information in this respect.

Turn-around TimeIf the completed request form is received by the company before 4:00 PM BKK time, the company will process the redemption transaction of source funds on the first available business day after the request is approved. However, if the request form is received after 4:00 PM BKK time, it will be considered as received on the next working day. The company will process the subscription transaction of destination funds on the date the company receives the redemption amount of each source fund  .

Customers can request fund switching through the following channels

  1. PRUPolicy via

  2. Send documents through   insurance agent/selling agent.

  3. Send documents to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited through the following channels:

    3.1 Visit Prudential Head Office at Mitrtown Office Tower, 30th Floor from Monday - Friday (except public holidays) during 8.30 -17.00 hrs.

    3.2 Postage mail to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited at 944 Mitrtown Office Tower, 10th, 29th–31st Floor, Rama 4 Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330.

    3.3 Email submission to

Absolute Assignment

Terms & Conditions

Policyholders have the right to transfer policy benefits to related persons (e.g., father, mother, spouse, or child etc.) as an assignee.  However, the company reserves the right not to process absolute assignee under   the following conditions:

  1. Assignee is juvenile (age less than 20 years).

  2. Assignee is a legal entity.

  3. Assignee’s nationality relates to U.S. country or U.S tax residency.

  4. Assignee’s nationality is restricted by The Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand (SEC) e.g., Russia and Belarus.

After the completion of an absolute assignment, the assignee gains the right to the policy as follows:

  • Benefits and/or payments will be payable to the assignee e.g., fund’s dividend payment, partial surrender, surrender or policy maturity.

  • The rights to perform actions under policy e.g., surrender, partial surrender, fund switching or change of policy information etc.

  • All request forms must be certified by the assignee and Policyholders or parent/legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy).

Required Documents

  1. Absolute Assignment Form Download

  2. Policyholders’ documents:

    • A copy of identification card or passport of the Policyholders with certified true copy.

    • A copy of identification card or passport of parents or legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy) with certified true copy.

    • Other requested documents (if any).

All forms and required documents must be certified by Policyholders and/or parent/legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy).

  1. Assignee’s documents:

    3.1 A copy of identification card or passport, certified true copy.

    3.2  Other requested documents (if any).

All forms and required documents must be certified by an assignee.


Please cover your "blood type" and "religion" information on the copy of your ID card to comply with the PDPA law. The company has no intention of collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information in this respect.

Turn-around time: Approximate 5 working days after the company receives the documents completely.

Customers can request absolute assignment through the following channels

  1. Send documents through insurance agent/selling agent.

  2. Send documents to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited through the following channels:

    2.1 Visit Prudential Head Office at Mitrtown Office Tower, 30th Floor from Monday - Friday (except public holidays) during 8.30 -17.00 hrs.

    2.2 Postage mail to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited at 944 Mitrtown Office Tower, 10th, 29th–31st Floor, Rama 4 Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330.

    2.3 Email submission to

Cancellation of Absolute Assignment

Terms & Conditions

The Assignee can request to cancel the absolute assignment; all policy rights and benefits will be returned to Policyholders.

Required Documents

  1. Cancellation of Absolute Assignment Form Download

  2. Policyholders’ documents:

    2.1 A copy of identification card or passport of the Policyholders with certified true copy.

    2.2 A copy of identification card or passport of parents or legal representatives (in case of juvenile) with certified true copy.

    2.3 Other requested documents (if any).

All forms and required documents must be certified by Policyholders and/or parent/legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy).

  1. Assignee’s documents:

    3.1 A copy of identification card or passport, certified true copy.

    3.2 Other requested documents (if any)

All forms and required documents must be certified by an assignee.


Please cover your "blood type" and "religion" information on the copy of your ID card to comply with the PDPA law. The company has no intention of collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information in this respect.

In the event of an assignee’s death

Policyholders can inform the Company to cancel the absolute assignment, all policy rights and benefits will be returned to Policyholders.

Required Documents

  1. Death Certificate, certified by the Policyholders or parents or legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy).

  2. A copy of identification card or passport of the Policyholders with certified true copy.

  3. A copy of identification card or passport of parents or legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy) with certified true copy.


Please cover your "blood type" and "religion" information on the copy of your ID card to comply with the PDPA law. The company has no intention of collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information in this respect.

Turn-around time: Approximate 5 working days after the company receives the documents completely.

Customers can request to cancel absolute assignment through the following channels

  1. Send documents through insurance agent/selling agent.

  2. Send documents to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited through the following channels:

    2.1 Visit Prudential Head Office at Mitrtown Office Tower, 30th Floor from Monday - Friday (except public holidays) during 8.30 -17.00 hrs.

    2.2 Postage mail to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited at 944 Mitrtown Office Tower, 10th, 29th–31st Floor, Rama 4 Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330.

    2.3 Email submission to

Suitability Test Assessment

Terms & Conditions                                                                                                

According to the Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand (SEC), all unit linked policyholders are required to perform an investment suitability assessment before making their first investment.  The policyholders are also subject to a review every 2 years from the latest reviewing date.

The Company therefore requests cooperations to update the investment suitability assessment to ensure that it is current and can be used for providing advice and services. 

Required Documents

  1. Suitability Test Download

  2. A copy of identification card or passport of the Policyholders with certified true copy.

  3. A copy of identification card or passport of parents or legal representatives (in case of juvenile policy) with certified true copy.


Please cover your "blood type" and "religion" information on the copy of your ID card to comply with the PDPA law. The company has no intention of collecting, using, and disclosing your personal information in this respect.

Turn-around Time: Completed request form receives by the company before 4:00 PM BKK time, the company will process as requested within the submission date.  If the request form is received after 4:00 PM BKK time, it will be considered as received on the next working day. 

Customers can update investment suitability assessment through the following channels

  1. PRUpolicy via

  2. Send documents though  insurance agent/selling agent.

  3. Send documents to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited through the following channels:

    3.1 Visit Prudential Head Office at Mitrtown Office Tower, 30th Floor from Monday - Friday (except public holidays) during 8.30 -17.00 o’clock.

    3.2 Postage mail to Prudential Life Assurance (Thailand) Public Company Limited at 944 Mitrtown Office Tower, 10th, 29th–31st Floor, Rama 4 Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330.

    3.3 Email submission to

Instruction for Common Reporting Standard (CRS)

Terms & Conditions

Instructions for the Common Reporting Standard (CRS)

As a financial institution, our company is obligated to collect and report information from customers whose tax residency falls within CRS participating jurisdictions. To comply, customers must complete the CRS self-

certification form, disclosing their tax residency country, and submit it to the company. Additionally, if there are any changes in tax residency status, customers must promptly update the self-certification form within 30 days.

For any uncertainties or questions regarding tax residency status, we recommend consulting your tax advisor or national tax authority. You can also refer to the common rules on tax residency criteria provided by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) at