An effective approach for promoting the development of 0 to 5 year-old children in order to ensure normal maturation
Parents may have observed their children's development from birth to the age of five and are aware that children at this age are learning. They can quickly learn new skills while also memorizing a wide range of information.
A toddler, for example, is developing speech, analyzing social signals, and learning emotional expression while gaining key physical abilities and coordination. It's amazing how much their little minds can process at once. Even if parents, physicians, or teachers have kept a careful eye on things, it may be difficult to keep track of everything about their development. This is only one of the many reasons why early childhood education is so critical.
Why is early childhood development important?
Early childhood, which lasts from birth until the age of five, is the stage of development that begins with infancy. It is the most essential stage of development since the brain, language, social, emotional, sensory, and motor systems are all rapidly developing. All of these areas are important in the growth and development of healthy children, and they intersect when considering a learning environment. In the preschool years, for example, language and communication typically promote social and emotional awareness. Toddlers may also solve problems and make cognitive discoveries through movement and physical development.
Parents should therefore pay close attention and make significant efforts to ensure that their children grow up strong and healthy. Otherwise, a variety of difficulties and obstacles may arise, including family issues. This has the potential to become a national issue
Challenges in early childhood
In Thailand, many children do not receive adequate attention and stimulation. Many parents, particularly fathers, do not engage in learning activities with their young children. According to statistics, 34% of fathers engage in four or more learning-related activities. Access to children's literature, which is essential for a child's learning and imagination, is limited, particularly in low-income families. 59% of children under the age of five do not have at least three books in their homes.
Despite the fact that early childhood education makes a significant difference in a child's development, around 15% of children aged 3-5 years are not enrolled in an early childhood education program. Those who do obtain early learning experiences may not always receive the quality services that would allow them to reach their full potential.
UNICEF Thailand collaborated with policymakers from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Interior and within the National Early Childhood Development Committee, as well as the National Early Childhood Development Committee, to establish the National Early Childhood Development Plan. This included advocacy on nutrition, parenting, the quality of services and skills of early childhood development (ECD) professionals using the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) data to ensure an equity focus and specific indicators tracking access to services for disadvantaged children, including children with disabilities, migrant children and children from poor families. UNICEF offered technical assistance in organizing input from relevant ministries.
UNICEF Thailand collaborated with provincial policymakers to help them better understand children's issues as well as the science of child development, and it assisted the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration in establishing ECD priorities for the next five years, based on the national strategy and MICS data for Bangkok.
In 2017, UNICEF Thailand continued to advocate for legislation relevant to the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes, including organizing an event to demonstrate public support for the bill and advocating with members of the law review committee. Following the passage of the Control of Marketing of Infant and Young Child Food Act in April 2017, UNICEF continued to promote the benefits of breastfeeding through advocacy, communication, and technical assistance to the Ministry of Public Health in the development of the Ministerial Notification required to give the law effect. Following the enactment of the Control of Marketing of Infant and Young Child Food Act in April 2017, UNICEF continued to promote the advantages of breastfeeding through advocacy, communication, and technical assistance to the Ministry of Public Health in the drafting of the Ministerial Notification to put the law into effect.
UNICEF Thailand pursued the Breastfeeding in the Workplace campaign, including the creation of a database of participating employers. The Ministry of Public Health and other stakeholders were given assistance in producing advocacy package aimed at the business sector in order to promote breastfeeding.
Prudential Thailand would also desire to support the emphasis on early childhood development. ECD is not only the foundation for creating quality at the family level, but it can also be used to generate comprehensive quality at the national level. Early childhood development policy will also foster equality in the social environment and education for children. As a parent, the more you understand your child's growth, the better care you can provide. But don't forget to look after yourself. You may prepare to take care of yourself and your family whether you are a biological mother or an adoptive mother to care for your children. For more information, please visit here: